Tag Archives: Dalek

R2-D2: The Force Awakened Me to Draw You

So… I actually drew this back in December. I was inspired, admittedly, by the new Star Wars movie that came out to finally tackle R2-D2. This was every bit as difficult as the AT-AT I drew earlier last year and the Dalek I had drawn prior to that. In fact, I’ve always thought R2-D2 and Daleks might be distant cousins!

R2-D2Many of you have already seen a smaller version of this, because I already used it in a Fringe Kisses cartoon last year. That’s how I roll with these things. Once I have a nice clean vector rendering of a thing, I then try to find other cool or funny uses for them. One day I’ll probably have to draw a C-3P0 to go along with him, but that’s for another day!

Please let me know what you think and remember, if you’d like an original commission by me or would like to hire me as an Illustrator, please use the Contact page and let me know as much as you can about your request.

‘Sects Sunday 09/20/2015


Dalek of the Draw

Over the past year I have been doing a lot of cartooning and doodling, and generally trying to stretch my skills while letting my creativity flow a little more than I typically have in the professional world. The cartooning is fun, but I’ve made more money with Technical Illustration over the years, and I decided it was time to add some of that to my blog.

I’m kicking things off with something that will appeal to a wider audience than your usual technical drawing… a Dalek! Doctor Who has been running more or less since the 1960s, and there are several variations of Daleks at this point. For no particular reason other than I generally liked it, this drawing is based on a Dalek from the new series.

DalekWhen I began this illustration, I intended to do a straight black and white (i.e. no shading or color) illustration. As I dove into it, however, I realized some parts were just not going to look as good without some shading… so I did a lot more shading and coloring than I originally intended. To balance what I originally envisioned with what I found myself doing, I decided to stick to grays for all the shading with the exception of that little dab of cyan in the eyestalk.

Please let me know what you think of this… and be on the lookout for more illustrations in this vein in the near future! Also, if you are interested in requesting my services as a Technical Illustrator, please use the Contact page and provide me with as much information as you can about your request.

i.e. Sequential... Journal... Visual...

A place to find order amidst disorder, from my point of view, using a visual medium.



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