Tag Archives: Donald Trump

‘Sects Saturday 10/14/2017

*I still want to see the Presidential IQ Test Challenge as a Pay-Per-View event. Many people are saying it would get the best ratings ever! 🙂 Also, I apologize for Buzz continually saying moron incorrectly, but that’s his thing… getting stuff wrong… kind of like that guy who is the President of the Virgin Islands… 😉

‘Sects Thursday 10/12/2017

*I scour the news and certain Twitter feeds daily for joke nuggets… but some days just don’t seem funny. It helps to laugh sometimes, but I don’t know if I can make jokes out of every situation every day. The people of Puerto Rico are still struggling in ways that only a select few truly understand, and to have to constantly battle an arbitrary political crap-storm at the same time as dealing the the aftermath of an actual storm?

‘Sects Wednesday 10/11/2017

*Many people are saying we need a tin foil increase… what do you think? Also, is that Red’s balloon now or is he holding it indefinitely for Buzz or what?

‘Sects Tuesday 10/10/2017

*For what it’s worth… it would be a fun thing to watch on live TV, wouldn’t it? Bigly ratings to be sure! 🙂

‘Sects Saturday 10/07/2017

*Poor Al… sometimes I forget he is there too. Be careful what you ask for, though, you might get it! 🙂

‘Sects Friday 10/06/2017

*Timely distraction is a wonderfully devious thing… makes you forget the important stuff in an instant. I wonder if anyone ever uses it to their advantage? Hmmm… 😉

‘Sects Tuesday 10/03/2017

*Always love a good Get Smart reference… haven’t done this gag in a while… I think it works. Also, since Andy “Jason” is new to the gang, every recycled bit is new to him! 🙂

‘Sects Monday 10/02/2017

‘Sects Saturday 09/23/2017

*Another two-for Saturday post as I catch up on the skipped days earlier in the week. Didn’t want to miss out on kicking off next week’s story and couldn’t resist one more T-rump jab! 🙂 Who is the new Robant?

‘Sects Thursday 09/21/2017

*Fake news? or… secret ancient society uncovered? You decide! 🙂

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